Nightcap with Boiled Artichoke and Grilled Corn

Living in a neighborhood surrounded by delicious wine bistros, should I not have problems. But there are times you just have to get home early armed with a grocery bag full of goodies, take a long bath, watch your favorite bad taste movie you're too ashamed you just have to watch it when you're alone, while holding that glass of red you've been thinking of all day at work.  

Snack to go with:  
1. Boiled Artichoke (Not steamed, baked or stuffed- Faster and easier this way) with store-bought French Vinaigrette to dip in. 
2. Grilled Corn, Cuban Style (With spritz of lime wedge, cheese, paprika and tomatillo)

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Shanti Shack Lunch

My first foodie post!
Located in North Williamsburg, Shanti Shack is a vegetarian juice and smoothie bar also has fabulous yoga classes! They also have juice cleanse program, which I don't quite understand yet- but fully interested. The menu they were kindly recommending to me, the first timer were:
vivalicios - grilled cheese, avocado and tomato sandwich
Nutter - green smoothie with spinach, banana, almond and coconut


True- the smoothie is a bit pricey compared to Jamba Juice, but trust me it was so worth it!
